I'm Shalaj

Languages = ["HTML", "CSS", "PYTHON", "C++"]
Physical Computing = ["Arduino", "Raspberry Pi"]

I'm Shalaj



Physical Computing

-Raspberry Pi

Solar Tracker

The Solar Tracker is a device that that controls the positioning of a Solar Panel as to utilize the maximum amount of sunlight available.

Plant Grower

A controlled environment to grow outdoor plants indoors, using an Arduino, a grow light, and various sensors.

Home Automation

Home Automation is building systems which allow us to digitally control the appliances in our homes.

PCB Design

PCB stands for Printed Circuit Board. A printed circuit board connects electrical or electronic components.

Cricket FeVr

Internship at Studio Griot

Creating a haptic controller for a virtual reality game.

Web Development

The making of this website

Using HTML, CSS, Javascript I created my own website showcasing my work.

Data Visualisation


Using Python to create a program that recieves data from a Covid-19 API, and presents it in different graphs.

Incrediminds Robotics


An educational institution where I interned to gain knowledge in product development, coding, 3d printing, and teaching.

Plant Grower

A controlled environment to grow outdoor plants indoors, using an Arduino, a grow light, and various sensors.

Data Visualisation


Using Python to create a program that recieves data from a Covid-19 API, and presents it in different graphs.

Home Automation

Home Automation is building systems which allow us to digitally control the appliances in our homes.

Solar Tracker

The Solar Tracker is a device that that controls the positioning of a Solar Panel as to utilize the maximum amount of sunlight available.

PCB Design

PCB stands for Printed Circuit Board. A printed circuit board connects electrical or electronic components.

Web Development

The making of this website

Using HTML, CSS, Javascript I created my own website showcasing my work.

Incrediminds Robotics


An educational institution where I interned to gain knowledge in product development, coding, 3d printing, and teaching.

Studio Griot

Internship at Studio Griot

Creating a haptic controller for a virtual reality game.